Express Employment Professionals Announcement
- Sep 24, 2008
- Express Employment Professionals
- Management

Express Employment Professionals Hosting South African Students
While on Learning Experience of a Lifetime
Express Employment Professionals and Christine Menard, International Director and Developer have been working with the Africa Foundation to help remote rural communities feed, clothe and educate themselves through sustainable projects while maintaining the African culture.
This year the London office of Express Employment Professionals is proud to be sponsoring two young South African ladies to come to Canada. This will mark the third time such a sponsorship has been undertaken. In the past this opportunity has changed the lives of the participants and so many others, their stories are truly amazing. The next chapter will begin with Elizabeth and Patricia as they arrive here in London on September 10th to start their whirlwind six week educational adventure.
These young ladies come from a very remote area in South Africa, where unemployment exceeds 93%. This is a truly life altering experience. While here, Elizabeth and Patricia will be visiting local schools, hospitals, and area farms. Express has partnered with Fanshawe College and the girls will be auditing classes in the nursing and hospitality programs while they are here. Elizabeth will be pursuing a career in nursing when she returns to South Africa and Patricia will be in the hospitality industry. For those associated with Express Employment Professionals who are fortunate enough to share in this experience, their lives will be forever enriched by hosting the girls in their homes.
Respecting People. Impacting Business
For more information please contact Express Employment Professionals,
150 Dufferin Ave, Suite 100, London, ON. N6A 5N6,
1 519 672 7620