Extra promotion for your job posting with: Featured Job Postings

Category: Job Posting Help

Created: Oct 07, 2012 01:54 PM Featured Job Listings: service details

In order to provide our employer clients with a new way to attract prospective candidates, we have introduced a new option when posting your opportunities:

Featured Job Postings
During the job posting process, you will be given an opportunity to designate a specific job posting as a featured listing. Featured job postings will appear as regular listings, along with all other job listings, but also as links:
  • on our homepage, in rotation, listed in a prominent location *
  • at the top of our job listings, in rotation, in a highlighted format *
  • in other content areas of the website and email alerts to candidates along with other featured jobs *
* Important: space in these highlighted areas is limited, so to increase the effectiveness of the featured listings your posting will be shown in equal distribution with other featured jobs. You posting won’t always be in the featured jobs list, or at the top of our listings page. Your featured listing will appear on an equal basis,“in rotation” with the other featured posting links.

The fee for this additional exposure is $30+ HST (in addition to the normal job posting fee, or posting credit used) If your organization has unlimited job postings, or posting credits, a separate invoice for the featured listing fee will be generated.

We are limiting the use of this feature to two active job postings per organization. If you have 2 featured jobs posted, you will not have the option to add this feature during your posting process. We hope that by limiting the use of this feature it will benefit all employer and candidate users by making the additional promotional opportunity meaningful and effective.

If you have any questions about this new service please do not hesitate to contact us.

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