Job Search Tips

Category: General Help

Created: Oct 04, 2024 04:56 PM

Job Search tips

  1. If you don’t have strong computer skills, use your job search to improve them. Using the internet to identify opportunities, word processing for resumes and cover letters are all important. And, if you are relying on a technology savvy friend or relative to help you with these things you could end up missing opportunities.  You will probably need computer skills in your future employment anyway, so why not work on them now?

  2. Be aware of your activities on social media, especially during a job search. You may think it is none of their business, but employers want to make difficult hiring decision with ALL the information at their disposal. Put yourself in their shoes, would you hire the person that is represented in your X, Instagram or Facebook profiles?

  3. Don’t be afraid to get help. There are dozens of public and private sector organizations available to help you with everything from resume creation to interviewing skills. Identify the areas where you need help and address those with the many resources available to you. Click here for more local resources.

  4. Read between the lines of job descriptions. Companies that are posting jobs often have multiple openings, so if you think that your skills could be beneficial to them, submit your resume and cover letter. If the employer does have a potential opportunity for you, your initiative will be viewed very positively.

  5. Spend time on your cover letters. They are often viewed as a hassle by job seekers, but I know they are a great way to stand out from the crowd to employers. Identify a couple of key hard and or soft skill areas where you are a good match for a job opening and use your cover letter to bring these to the attention of employers.
  1. To keep a positive attitude throughout the job search process. It is usually a stressful and sometimes frustrating experience, but don’t let that show. Employers want to hire confident, enthusiastic, and optimistic candidates. If you are persistent and positive you will connect with the right employment opportunity for you.
  1. Track your job search efforts. You can do this using a spreadsheet on your computer or with a paper journal if you prefer, but it is helpful to record application dates, employer and contact names, and a paper or digital copy of job descriptions. The hiring process often takes longer than people expect, and it is nice to be able to refer to this information if, and when you get called for an interview.
  1. Do your homework; use, and company websites to find out more about the companies that you are applying to. The more you know about them, the better able you are to tailor and communicate your skills and interests to the employer’s requirements.

  2. Networking and word-of-mouth is still the number one method for companies to fill their vacancies. Get comfortable with face-to-face and online networking techniques, and take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about opportunities, companies and make connections that can help you get exposure to jobs that aren’t available through job boards and other traditional media.


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